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Winter is coming! Is your home ready?

It seems like fall happened overnight here in North Idaho! The recent storm has been a reminder that if our property isn’t prepared for winter, we better get to it- and fast!

1-View from street-smallHere is a great checklist to get you started:


  1. Tree limbs – get those outta here! Dead/heavy tree limbs can fall and damage roofs, siding, railings, cars, or people.
  2. Put away outdoor toys before they become hidden in layers of snow.
  3. Inventory your snow removal supplies. Snow shovel still in working condition and easily accessible? Re-stock salt or sand for the driveway, and put the ice scraper, emergency gear and shovel back in the car if you took them out this summer to make room for coolers. Start your snowblower or snow machine to make sure it is in working order.
  4. Certain plants, like strawberry plants, should be covered with leaves to prevent the snow from direct contact.
  5. Schedule a pest control appointment before it freezes. Many people prefer to have the outside perimeter of their home sprayed to prevent pests from seeking refuge from the cold in their home.


The House:

1.Make sure all pipes and outdoor spigots are insulated, many irrigation systems and spigots should be drained as well. Some irrigation systems need to be blown out with compressed air.

2. Have your roof and chimney checked for leaks or gaps.

3. Check that your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working. If you don’t have these, pick some up today! They are a cheap way to protect your family, and there’s no excuse to skip this safety precaution.

4.Check for drafts along doorways and windows. If you can see daylight, that’s a dead giveaway that cold air will be pouring in. Many home improvemnt stores carry a variety of products to help seal drafts to fit your needs.

5. Beef up insulation, caulking, and weatherstripping if needed.

6. Check that you have your emergency kit stocked and updated. This may include non perishables, flashlights/batteries, emergency radio, medication, baby supplies, etc..

If you need assistance getting prepared, please let us know. We have trusted professionals that we work with that will be quick to help.

Do you do anything in addition to what we have listed here? We’d love to hear about your tried and true tips.

We hope everyone one has a cozy and safe winter!

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